Pride Parade

If the rain isn't pouring down tomorrow, we will be taking Brielle to her first ever Pride Parade here in Saskatoon.

It's Pride week and normally we don't take in the festivities. The year Brielle was born, we talked about taking in the parade, but Brielle was born on that very day. Last year the parade was on the day we celebrated her turning 1. But this year we are free and thought that she's at the perfect age to love it.
I know there is a lot of controversy surrounding Pride and the need for it and I'm definitely not here to change your mind. But for us, it's important that Brielle be raised knowing that being gay is okay and is nothing to be ashamed of. Her parents are gay. She needs to know how to deal because when she gets into the real world (school), she will encounter hatred and bullying surrounding this very subject. It's inevitable. Someone, somewhere, and at some time, will make her feel horrible about having gay parents and she needs to be able to look beyond the harsh words of others. She needs to know that her family is a family of love and acceptance, no matter what others say to her. And that there is a huge population of this world who feel the same way we do.

It was not so many years ago where gay people believed they would forever live in the closet, had no rights and lived in fear with every breath as they went about their day. I lived in the closet for a lot of years and tried to fit into a "straight" society due to this fear. This is the average story of a gay person. I'm so proud of the people who have stood tall and fought for our freedom to be normal, average, everyday people. They have changed the world for millions upon millions of gay people and their families. My family. And I love that my daughter gets to be a part of this. To learn and see how important it is to be able to live a happy life, loving who you love. Gay or straight and everything in between.

There is a lot of history behind Pride and the Internet is filled with information if you would like to educate yourself. There are stories that would scare you, make you cry, fascinate you, open your eyes and mostly, warm your heart and put a smile on your face. Just take a look at my family. We are definitely a story to put a smile on someone's face.

No matter what our main reason for attending the Pride parade is, Brielle will have fun. I mean who doesn't love a colorful parade!!


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