I'm Back

I can't believe my last post was in January. That's sad. But I'm here to say I'M BACK!

I love blogging. I've always loved blogging. But once we started building, it became harder and harder to keep up with ordinary life.......heck, let's be honest because there is nothing ordinary about our life.....that I pretty much completely gave up on blogging.

I don't really have much more to say right now, so let's complete this post with photos from the last 6 months or so. Enjoy.

Brielle's first fish that she caught while staying at Papa & Nana's cabin.

Brielle absolutely loves our cockatiel, Maisy.

Our life.

I think it finally sunk in for Brielle that we were in a magazine when she seen one in the store. This exact copy sits beside her bed and often times she sleeps with it. Check it out: http://issuu.com/saskatoonhomemagazine/docs/skhomespring2017?e=1825134/45250025

We hosted a succulent class. It was a lot of fun!!

Brielle and our 5 orphaned kittens we bottle raised. We decided to keep one....but ended up keeping two.

We put on a flea market this spring with almost 40 vendors. Despite the wind, it was a super successful day and we plan to do it yearly.

Almost 5.

Daddy and Brielle on her 5th Birthday.

How did she get to be 5 already?? So proud of the young lady she is becoming.

7 years married ((22 years together))

Rowdy & Cinder....our bottle raised kittens.

The Urban Farmhouse Saskatoon


  1. So colorful and lovely post.your little daughter completely looks like a barbie in real life.she is so adorable and cute.also your cats are cozy and darlings.Thanks for sharing all these pictures



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