Brielle Loves ~ 11 Weeks

No, she is not's just one of the many faces she makes. Silly girlie!!! But don't you just love her leg warmers!!!
Brielle has started drooling...sometimes a little and sometimes a whole lot. She has also been quite cranky at times and after putting two and two together...and reading up about it, we have come to the conclusion that our little sweet pea has started teething. Apparently teething can begin and yet not have teeth surface for quite some time. Some babies are born with teeth, some get their first tooth at only a couple of months old, while others don't get any until the age of six months or older. It's not surprising that Brielle is two and a half months old and starting to teeth. I mean, this girl does things early. Patience is not one of her strong characteristics! So today I'm off to the store to find homeopathic teething tablets, which apparently you set on the gums and they dissolve instantly. They have rave reviews online and since I have never heard of them in Canada, I may pick up more than one bottle to bring home with us. We're also on the hunt for a hazelwood necklace but haven't been successful here in Houston. Might have to wait until we get back to Saskatoon because I do know where to find them!!
I'm excited for tonight! We are going to visit Zac who lives in our old house. Even though Brielle will have no clue, I'm still excited to have her visit the home we lived in for three years and to swim in our old pool. Plus hanging with Uncle Zac and the pooches will be fun for her as well.


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