
Welcome family. Welcome friends. Welcome anyone who is excited that Rhonda & I will be parents and want to follow us along on this journey. Since Rhonda is so early in her pregnancy, this is gonna be a long wait. I'm glad we have so many loved ones to share it with us.

If I remember correctly, Rhonda took her first test on November 8 and it was negative. Two days later, she still thought she was probably pregnant so she took another test and HOORAY!! It was a positive. Timing couldn't have been more perfect. We already had plans to travel to see family and friends in Lloydminster that evening, so we got to share the news with so many in person.

I know there are many of you who likely wonder how we got to this point and probably have some questions. So, how about I back up a bit and share some of our experience with you. About 2 years ago, we finally decided that the want to be parents just wasn't going away. We did a bunch of online research to explore our options and about a year ago, I started tracking my fertility cycle. Rhonda followed shortly after. We thought the best option was to either find a private donor or go through Canada's only fertility center. Because we were still living in Texas, we thought it best to wait until we got back to Canada to pursue anything, although we did find a couple of people willing to help us. It just didn't seem right.

Once the big move was under way, we both had the idea to ask a very special friend if he would consider being our donor. It was a long shot, but worth asking for many reasons. There was no other person we would consider as a donor and thankfully, he said YES! We were over the moon with happiness and over the course of the summer, we worked out all of the details, including all of the legal documents that needed to be done. After that, we started trying. Only 3 months and we are having a baby! I just want to say that it takes a very special person to help give us this gift. We are forever grateful!!

Both Rhonda & I have been trying to get pregnant, but likely due to my age (yes, I'm getting old), my body hasn't been co-operating. I've pretty much come to the conclusion that what's meant to happen, will happen. We just need to trust and believe that God is on our side (which he is) and he will help us create the family we are meant to have.

Please, if you have any questions, we would be happy to answer them for you. This has been an amazing experience for us thus far. I know it's only going to get better and we are so grateful for everyone in our life as they share our excitement.


  1. I am so excited for you guys! Parenthood is a gift, no matter how it comes to be. I know you both will be great moms and your child will be lucky to have you both. Congratulations!


  2. You two will be the best moms ever. Thank you both for sharing this wonderful event with us, who love you both and can't be with y'all to know day to day happenings. Crystal, hang in there. You may still have a chance! Hugs to both of you.



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