Indoor Fort on a Winter Day

As we true Canadians know, there are days so cold that we don't even venture outside with our children. This past week Saskatoon got hit with -50 C temps. And when this happens, there's no better thing to do than to build an indoor fort. Adults have "cabin fever" so I imagine kids do too. This is so easy and a lot of fun for everyone. Even I crawled in to play with my daughter. She loves that part, where Mommy sits in her fort and plays.

All you need is a space big enough to build a fort (the bigger the better), a sheet or blanket (we used a king sized sheet), some chairs/sofa to act as walls and then use your imagination to build it whatever size you want. Voila! You're done!

Now get in with your kid(s), play with toys, read books, make a bed for naptime, enjoy a picnic and simply enjoy making these memories with your little one.

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