More Family Photos

This past week we got our family photos from our photographer and we love, love them! So, for those who are not on they are....


And here is our little Owl on Halloween. We took her trick or treating and she had a lot of fun. Of course she couldn't say trick or treat but she did wave hi to everyone who opened their door, eagerly took whatever they were handing her for treats and waved bye. About half way through she really got the hang of it all and none of the other kids dressed up even scared her, plus she loved all of the fun decorations and pumpkins. She LOVES pumpkins and is kinda sad they aren't there to be lit up anymore. We've had them out since before Thanksgiving so she has been enjoying them lit up every single day. I'm excited she likes things lit up because that means she's gonna love the Christmas tree as much as I do.

On that note, still no snow but it's in the forecast tonight. Boooooooooooooooooooooo............


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