Brielle Loves, 10 Months

Today our baby girl is 10 months old! Can't believe that in two months, we'll be celebrating her 1st birthday. Big plans ahead!! Can't wait, yet at the same time, I just want her to stay little.

Every single day, we realize just how much of a blessing she has been. A gift from God just for us. And of course, without someone special, this never could have happened for us! xoxo Brielle is so lucky to have a (((handful))) of parents who love her more than she will ever know or understand; Mommy Rhonda, Mommy Crystal, Daddy Dean & Uncle Gerry. And while I sit here thinking about how blessed we are, she too is very blessed. This little girl is surrounded by so much love; grandparents, great-grandparents, uncles, aunties, cousins, friends.

 What a silly little monkey she is!!

 Here are some of her signs. I tried to snap quickly, as I said them and she did them. Tricky business I tell you!! She's learning so quickly. Little smartie pants!

 Today she got her first taste of licking the beaters while I was baking. As you can tell, she loved it and signed "more." As you can also see, more ended up on her face, than in her mouth.

 Modeling the newest dress I sewed her. Check her out, standing by herself like a big girl!!

We love you Sweet Pea!!! xoxo To the moon & back, baby!


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