Sauve' Family Reunion 2013

Over the past weekend we attended a family reunion for my Grandparents (Sauve' side; my mom's parents) with their kids, grandkids & great grandkids. It turned out great! All together, 43 out of 71 people, attended. I think that's pretty great! We all had a wonderful time reminiscing and reconnecting, since many of us haven't seen each other in almost 10 years. Here are some pictures of Brielle's second reunion. Her first was at 4 weeks old when we had the Dyck Family Reunion (my dad's family).
A few of the family members enjoying some games before the rush of people arrives.

Grandma Marilyn with little Rebecca.

Some of Brielle's older cousins playing games; Kayla & Jesse.

The other side of the game table with Joshua & Hayden.

My grandparents with some of their kids; Valerie, Wallace, Marilyn & Wilma.

My grandparents with some of their kids & their spouses; Art, Valerie, Wallace, Don, Marilyn, Wes, Eva, Wilma & Boni.

Rhonda, Brielle & I with my grandparents.

Some of my mom's family; Me, Rhonda, Brielle, Chris, Nicole, Darla, Don, Rebecca, Jesse & Mom

My Grandma singing with her daughters; Wilma, Valerie & Marilyn

Brielle meeting Great Grandma & Grandpa's horses. She liked them.

Brielle's first pony ride on Badger.

Making friends with Badger. I think she thought he was a big pup.

Jesse riding Badger.

It was a great weekend. Brielle had fun meeting aunties, uncles & cousins but she was happy to be home too.

Today is Earth Day so Happy Earth Day everyone!


  1. Wow.. I loved all the photos!!! Jesse sure has grown. He is a little cutie!
    Brielle is adorable of course. She keeps getting prettier every time you post new pictures of her. Love the pony pictures. You and Rhonda are looking great. I love your hair... very nice!
    Love and hugs, Jamie



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