Sleeping Through The Night

Big News!!! For one full week now, Brielle has been sleeping through the night. Woohoo!!! She'll wake up occasionally but for the most part, we leave her fuss for a minute or less and she puts herself back to sleep. Hooray!! She is in bed sleeping between 8-8:30 pm every night and is ready to start the day around 8:30-9:00 am the next morning. So she's getting a really great sleep. Her naps during the day vary. In the morning she's awake for about an hour to an hour and a half before she's ready for her first nap which lasts 45 mins - 1 hour. Then she's awake until after lunch and then ready for another nap which is her big one which lasts anywhere from 2-3 hours. And then in the evening she typically has a quick 30-45 minute nap. If she doesn't, she's a bear and can't last much past 7 pm, so we encourage the nap. It doesn't seem to affect her night time sleep, which is great. With how active she is when she's awake, and all of the learning, growing and developing she does, she does seem to need a lot of sleep at this point, and we're okay with that. Rather a happy, well rested girl than a grumpy, miserable girl. And we know it won't last.

I do wonder if her getting a lot of sleep has something to do with the fact that she's never been sick? I know for myself, if I'm deprived of sleep that my immune system doesn't seem quite up to par and I'm more prone to getting sick. Who knows? I'll take it, whatever it is! We are very blessed to have such a healthy, happy baby girl.

We love her so much!


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