Brielle ~ 8 Months

Yesterday our Sweet Pea turned 8 months old. I've said it before, and I'll say it again, but where has the time gone? This age is so much fun. She is growing, maturing, changing and learning each and every single day. And who knew 8 month olds were this smart? I wasn't sure how much I'd enjoy a little independent girl, but it's actually been exciting. My most favorite phase is the newborn but I really am enjoying this little personality.

To celebrate her 8 month birthday, Brielle decided to get another tooth. So as of yesterday, she now has two bottom front teeth. She's not crawling yet, but she sure is getting the hang of this 'walking while holding someones hands' business. And she's pretty good at standing up while holding onto something, on her own. She loves to play while sitting up and she's figuring out how to get from a sitting position to her stomach. It's not graceful, but it's also not a huge 'head thud' on the floor, like it used to be. And she's really liking feeding herself. Not long ago she could not pick up food from her tray and deliver it to her mouth, but with some practice, she's got it!

We had our (Rhonda's) family here for the weekend; her parents Janis & Laurent, brother Christopher & sister-in-law Mindy. Christopher & Mindy are expecting their first baby, due May 2, and came to the city for the 3D Ultrasound. They invited us all to join them in meeting their little one and it was a very special time. Thank you for sharing your special moment with us. We appreciate it very much and are so excited for Brielle to have another cousin; the first on this side of the family. It was also very nice for us to spend time together, since it doesn't happen that often.

For Valentines, Rhonda arranged to have Brielle's heartbeat recorded and put in a teddy bear for me. I love it! And Brielle loves it too!! She did so great while we lifted her shirt, layed her on the table and then she had the gel and ultrasound wand put on her chest for the recording. She stayed very still, did not cry and was very interested in listening to her own heartbeat. And once it was put in the bear, she loved it even more! We let her play with it for a while and now it's safely in this mommies care so I can cherish it forever. I love that I will always be able to listen to the beat of my babies heart, no matter where she is or how old she is.

We love you baby girl. Thank you for the first 8 months!!! xoxo


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