Gangnam Baby

First off, I'd like to apologize for the sideways video. I rarely take a vid with my phone so I didn't know which way to turn it. Plus I had Brielle on my lap and was trying to just catch her in the shot, if even for a few seconds.

Brielle loves the Gangnam Style video. It's hilarious to watch her because she gets super excited, bounces, screams, bangs her hands on the table and claps while watching it. This vid is the mild version of what goes on, but it's still pretty funny. For those who don't know Gangnam Style, it's ridiculously annoying. Check it out:
Annoying, right? But whatever. Brielle thinks it's fun for the moment.

Yesterday she attempted to crawl. Today, she's crawling. It's not very quick but it's definitely happening. Oh boy, it's all downhill from here! Guess we'll have to break the baby gates out soon so she doesn't get to the stairs.

So many fun things have been happening with her, like she's finally enjoying giving kisses. Not as much as her new friend she met yesterday who will eat your face. She's the gentler type who leans in with a slightly open mouth and waits....sometimes with a smile, other times with an annoyed "your bothering me" look. But hey, we'll take it.

She's also really trying to talk. I believe she thinks she's saying it exactly the way we say it because she looks so proud, but it's not quite there yet. The words of choice at the moment are "mom-mom" which comes out more like "bah-bah" but it's cute and she tries so hard. She's also trying to say "pup" which is getting pretty close, and also "hi" and "hola" which is hi or hello in Spanish. Since before we were in Mexico we started saying hola to her and never stopped. And she seems to know what it means too. Oh and she's got the wave down pretty good. She's put her own twist on it and waves her hand across her lips when she does it. We're not sure why because she didn't start out waving that way, but whatever. I'm sure she'll ditch it just as quickly as she picked it up.

This age is so much fun. So much learning and so many changes....sometimes daily. We're so proud of her!


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