9 Months

Wow, how time sure does fly! Our sweet little preemie is now 9 months old (well, she will be in the morning). She had a routine check-up at the doctors on Monday and I'm happy to report that....well....as the doc put it....she's perfect. Duh! Could have saved him the time and told him that!! He was smitten with Brielle the first day he met her and 9 months later, he's still smitten.

She weighed in at 17.2 lbs which put her in the 10th-25th percentile for her weight. She is 29 inches long which put her in the 75th-90th percentile for her height. If Brielle continues to grow in the listed percentiles, Brielle's approximate height and weight when fully grown will be 172 centimetres (5' 8'') and 52 kilograms (115 pounds) respectively....but that's according to the Parents Canada Growth Chart.

If you are wondering what this whole percentile thing means, here's what it is. Canadian Family says when you visit your health care provider, your child’s height, weight and head circumference (in the first two years) are generally measured. These are then recorded on standard growth curve chart, which shows the range of normal in percentile lines for every week of life. So if, for example, your child plots on the 50th percentile, then it means that he weighs or measures pretty much the average for the North American Caucasian population from which the charts were derived. If he plots on the 97th percentile, then it means that he is the 97th heaviest or tallest out of 100 children of similar age, and by contrast if he is on the third percentile then it means he is the third heaviest or tallest out of 100. Importantly both of them are likely entirely normal as weight and height are dictated mainly by family genetics, nutrition, etc. So in Brielle's case, the lowdown is that she's tall and skinny. Or as the doctor called her, lean & fit for a baby. He thinks she's destined to be a model.

The crawling is getting better as each minute passes. Seriously, she acts like she can't crawl and fusses so one of her mommies will pick her up (ummmm....we don't). Two seconds later, she spots that one thing she knows she's not supposed to have and it's the Indy 500! That my friend, is how we know she's turning into a true toddler! It's not perfected yet.....YET!! She is pulling herself up onto her knees and in her crib, attempts to stand. It's a very good thing we dropped it last weekend or she would be hurling herself over the side in no time. She's also talking up a storm. Some of her words aren't clear and sound similar but we know exactly what she means, as per the situation and her tone. For instance, when I get her up in the morning, I dress her, wash hands, face, do hair, make her bed and then we leave her room and head to the dogs room. She immediately looks in with a huge smile on her face and says PUP. She does love her pup pups. She also says MOM MOM when she sees or wants one of us...and of course when you ask her to say it. She also says BYE BYE, which has just started. Tonight it was quite clear. I was shocked. And then her most favorite word of the week is BUM BUM. When we change her diaper we sing this little song of "stinky stinky bum bum" and she goes BUM BUM BUM and smiles. And you think she doesn't know its true meaning but ohhhhhh, she does. Picture this; she playing on the hardwood floor in the kitchen while I'm putting groceries away and she starts farting. Like majorly farting. I look at her and smile and say "what's happening" and she looks at me and says BUM BUM and smiles. Oh, she knows!

So in celebration of Brielle's 9 month Birthday, we did a little photo session today with some of the dresses her Grandma & Grandpa Lavoie bought her and her new Easter hat and stuffie bear that her Great Grandma Fitzsimonds sent her in the mail yesterday. Enjoy!

And then she was done. Time for a nap.


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