Family Heirloom

We had a wonderful 1st Christmas with Brielle. It's hard to believe that we had a 6 month old for Christmas and while we thought she wouldn't really respond to opening gifts, she actually did. She wasn't excited about what the gifts were, but she really enjoyed ripping the paper and playing with the bows. And of course, she's at the age where she's grabbing everything so she is really having fun with all of the toys that everyone got her. A big thank you to everyone who spent time with us, sent cards & gifts and made this Christmas season special. Love you all!!!
Set her first gift in front of her and this was her reaction!
Our Princess on Christmas Day wearing her new dress from Auntie Mindy & Uncle Christopher.
Brielle received the most precious gift this Christmas; one that touched Rhonda & I. Her Grandma Pottinger (Brielle's Dad's Mom) sent her this picture and letter:
Rhonda & Crystal,
I have included a gold locket for Brielle which belonged to my Mother. She got it from my Dad as a gift about 60 years ago when we lived in Denmark. It was passed to me and I would like for Brielle to have it.

The picture above is a picture of my Mom and Dad, Brielle's great Grandparents, when we came to Canada in May of 1957. And after we got off the ship my mom found a four leaf clover and put it in the locket, but I am guessing that by now there probably isn't much left of it. She believed it brought her a lot of luck.

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year
With love from
Grandma & Grandpa Pottinger
Rhonda & I are going to put the photo, locket and story in a shadow box for in Brielle's room, but first I thought it would be nice to get some photos of Brielle wearing the locket.
What a beautiful family heirloom. I think Brielle looks great wearing it!!

Thank you very much Grandma Pottinger. We promise to take very good care of it!! xoxo

Before Christmas we had family photos done and now that everyone has received theirs as gifts, I can share them with you. Enjoy!

Happy New Year everyone! Love, ~Crystal, Rhonda & Brielle


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