Brielle @ 6.5 Months

Here our girl is, going to be 7 months in a little less than 2 weeks. It's amazing how smart they are at this age and how that little wheel seems to be turning non-stop. Someone is now sitting up, for the most part, on her own. She still has somewhat of a "round bum" and topples over, but not near as often as she used to. And for someone who hated tummy-time for about 6 months straight, has really blossomed into a roll-from-her-back-to-her-tummy kind of a girl. She spends a lot of time on her tummy, by her own choice, which is great. If she keeps this up, I'm sure she'll be crawling in no time, which is both exciting and terrifying. The baby gates will have to go up!! :) She's a busy girl without adding crawling, or walking, for that matter.

Teething still continues but nothing poking through. It seems like we'll never get out of this bib-wearing rut. These days, she can soak one, plus her shirt, in about a half an hour. It's a good thing I just sewed her about a dozen or so new bibs. Hylands Teething Tabs seem to work great for her. We bought the first bottle in Houston when she was 2 1/2 months old and feared we wouldn't find them here, but our local Sangsters carries them, so no worries. They are an all natural product and we highly recommend them. If her cheeks are really red and she's extremely cranky, we will break out the big guns (Tylenol), but our first resort is always the teething tabs.

Oh those little hands that are constantly moving, reaching and grabbing for everything. A coffee cup on the table while she's on your lap, is no longer safe. Everything that is off limits must be put out of reach or she will get it and it will go in her know, where everything goes. What a stinker. I do love this phase where we're sitting together in the rocker after her nap, it's quiet, she's still not completely awake and she looks up at me, reaching to touch my face. Nothing beats that! She'll explore every part of my face she can reach and smile. I love that!

We're teaching her to hold her own bottle, not because we ever put her to bed with it, and we don't plan on doing that. It's just a really good hand co-ordination exercise for her that involves one of her most favorite and her bubby (bottle). There are times when we lay her down on her own to drink her bubby, but 99% of the time, we hold her. It's not really necessary at this age, especially when they can hold their own bottle, but it's still quality time that makes us stop whatever we're doing and dedicate it to our girl. It's something that we're not wanting to give up so quickly because before we know it, the bottle will be gone and we won't have those moments anymore. For this reason, I'm happy that Rhonda didn't breastfeed for too long. This way, I got to share the moments of feeding, which frankly, is Brielle's most favorite thing to do. As soon as she sees bubby, nothing else in the whole wide world matters.

Feeding is going extremely well. We were pureeing everything to a smooth consistency but we're in the process of moving forward with small chunks. It's going well. She doesn't gag anymore and has learned to somewhat chew. They should make baby dentures. It would be so much easier! LOL Her food list is quite large now, especially since we've introduced things like meats and grains. She's also eating Mum Mum's and the little melt-in-your-mouth baby snacks that come in the tall plastic jar. I forget what they're called, but I can confess that they are so good. Yes, this mommy tries the food she eats. We've also moved from adding rice cereal to her pureed fruits and veggies. In the beginning some of the foods were an acquired taste for her or the consistency was too runny, but now she's got this eating business under control. Our girl loves food! The only thing she's made a huge gagging fuss over was pureed turkey at Christmas. She had the whole table roaring with laughter as she made the worst faces and sounds you could imagine. I'm sure it wasn't the taste, but the texture, that she didn't like. And let's face it, she had an audience. She is a crowd pleaser!

We'll be in Mexico in 11 days! We're all pretty excited. I'm sure even Brielle is because we talk about it a lot. I keep telling her she'll get to swim every day we're there, and we all know how much she loves swimming. She also has a floaty for the pool so she can just chill when she's not swimming. What a fun time it'll be for Rhonda & I, to bring our girl to one of our most favorite places. Can't wait!!!!


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