Where Are Our Children Safe?

In 6 days, Christmas will arrive and the families of these children will have to make it through the day without them. Presents already under the tree, stockings hung, beds still unmade from only 5 days ago when they all got dressed, ate breakfast and went to school....the last time their parents saw their little smiling faces.

When I heard about the horrific Connecticut shootings, Rhonda, Brielle & I were on our way to Lloydminster. I was trying to read aloud, all of the many posts that my fb friends were writing, but after two or three, I just couldn't get the words out and tears came. My thoughts went straight to our baby girl sleeping peacefully in the back seat.

Where are our children safe these days? I'm sure there are people who automatically think that home schooling is better for this exact reason, but I'm not so sure. There's nothing stopping a random stranger from ringing on your doorbell and gunning you down when you answer. It's happened right here in Saskatoon. Leaving our children's side will not protect them. If somethings going to happen, it's going to happen whether we are holding their hand or not.

Gun laws/gun control is also blamed and I guess I'm torn with my thoughts on this. Do I think guns should be in any ones home without being in a safe, secure place? No. Absolutely not. Children especially, should not have access to any gun, loaded or not, and it's the adults responsibility to ensure anyone living or entering their home does not "happen" across their gun. Behind lock and key is where a gun belongs. But even then, what's stopping a teen or young adult from unlocking the door themselves?

No sane, right-in-their-mind, rational person is going to kill or even have it as an option in their mind. Even if there are no guns in the home, if a "killer" is going to kill, they will find a way. Do I like guns. No. I personally don't find a need for them in my home. I also don't believe someone should have a gun just for the sake of having a gun. But for people who hunt, there is a need.
The saying on this shirt has been going around facebook and I don't really agree to it. If you are a believer in God, you know that he's there no matter what. Sure, they may not be able to teach God in schools anymore but that doesn't mean he's not there, watching over everyone. It seems that people need someone or something to blame so how about blame the school system because they "don't allow God." I personally believe that God should be back in schools but the decision is out of my control. I have one thing to say about this and that is "God is not going to prevent bad things from happening. It's simply not realistic that nothing bad could ever happen if you believe in God. But he will always be there to help those who need him by giving hope and strength when we need it most." He was there watching over all of the kids who walked away unharmed. He was there with each and every one of the kids who left this world early and took them to heaven. And he's there for every single person in this world who is grieving and trying to understand what has happened. If you believe, he never leaves your side.
I think schools need to step up on their security. When I was a kid, you could open any door in the school, at any time during the day. Today, that's scary to me. Doors should be locked and visitors should be monitored no matter who you are. It may not be the perfect solution, but it could help.

Parents also need to teach their kids at home about safety, violence & bullying. Sadly, our world has come to this. Be age appropriate and continue to teach about these issues through their entire school years. Not only do we want our kids to be safe, but we don't want them to end up on the side of violence or being the bully. Sadly, I think lack of caring, communication and teaching at home is one of the reasons why we end up with situations like this.

No matter what, we are left wondering where are our children safe? I don't think anyone can answer this question. When it's our time to go, it'll happen. It's out of our control.


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