Goodbye Houston

I can't believe how quickly 2 weeks has gone. Bright and early in the morning, we fly back to good old Saskatoon. Being honest, I have to say that leaving here is hard for me. I didn't realize just how much I missed life in Houston and the tug on my heartstrings is great. But, I am also going to be happy to be home, to sleep in our own bed, to find some routine, move forward with my surgery (in 10 days!!) and Rhonda's new job at the beginning of October. A fresh start for both of us, each in a different way.

And of course, Brielle has grown and changed so much over the past 2 weeks. She has not only gotten taller (so it seems) but her personality is blossoming, and her motor skills are as well. She is learning to hold things...grabbing anything within her reach and pulling it up to her mouth. The drool continues; sometimes minimal and other times flowing like an open tap. And best of all, she is absolutely smitten with standing. If she is fussy, just give her the opportunity to push up with her legs to stand, and she is immediately a happy, smiling, giggly girl. She looks very proud of herself when she does it too!

We have been having sleeping issues so as soon as we get home, sleep training begins. We found an awesome book with hundreds of raving reviews online, have both read it and have become inspired. The goal is 12 hours sleep in 12 weeks or less. So we'll see what comes with some routine, structure and normalcy at home.

For our last day in Houston, we decided to get up bright and early and be at the zoo for opening. Little did we know that bright and early in Brielle's world meant 3 in the needless to say, we made it in good time. The weather was amazing! A cool front has come in which made it more than bearable and we spent 4 1/2 hours exploring the zoo, enjoying the weather and most of all, family time. For Brielle's mid-morning feed, we pulled up a chair by the rhinos and watched them while she ate. Absolutely beautiful and tranquil.

Brielle got to see Chimpanzees for the first time. She really didn't seem to care. Heck, for all we know, she may have thought she was visiting a close relative.....not....mentioning....any.....names.

Rhonda & I are already talking about how much fun it will be the next time we visit Houston. Brielle will be older, mobile and will get much more out of all of the visiting and exploring we'll do. As it turned out, we never did get to bring her to the ocean. She's just too little for all of the wind. Next time! So instead, she and I had our last swim in the hotel pool tonight, before coming back to the room to get ready for bed. She is just like me....we love the water.

So until next time Houston......CHEERS!!! 


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