Brielle's First Craft

 Brielle had her friend Farryn over today and together, they got to do a craft....Brielle's first craft, actually.

First off, we drew a leaf shape on cardstock. Farryn colored hers but we left Brielle's since she's not quite at the coloring stage yet.

Then we took green paint, painted their little toes and pressed them on a blank piece of the paper. Once dry, we added the face with black marker, cut out the little toe caterpillars, cut out the leaf and then glued the caterpillar to the leaf. I had to take a pic of the penny just to show how tiny Brielle's little toes are.

Once completed, I held it up for Brielle to see.

At first she looked surprised.....

But then she started to giggle!!

When all was done, she was happy to just chill in her sock monkey outfit.


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