Brielle Eats

Grumpy, crying, unsettled for Brielle & I walked to the Kroger next door and bought some introductory baby cereal and some spoons. Let's just say, she loved it and had an awesome afternoon nap!

I know it goes against all of the "rules" in books and heaven forbid if the health nurses ever found out! But she loved it and was so happy after that.

Look at that little face!! She is not very good at opening her mouth wide, but then again, she doesn't do that for her bottle either. She'll learn!

Last night we visited Zac at our old house, and Martin came as well. He took this great pic of Rhonda feeding Brielle by the pool. After that, Brielle & I went for a swim. She not only got to swim in our old pool, but she also got to go skinny dipping for the first time. She's not shy. She didn't mind one bit. :)

Happy Birthday to Uncle Christopher!!! Love Brielle


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