Pic Time

Remember Rhonda's barely showing, 8 week baby belly?

Well, things have changed since we're now into week 22!!
Seriously think pregnancy looks great on her. I keep saying it because it's true. Other than some back aches and pains, things are going well. Some of the aches and pains are due to all of the hard work that has been going on in our basement. We are now to the painting stage. Rhonda is gone to Houston for 2 weeks (on the plane as I write this) so she'll be getting a much deserved break and I'll paint while she's away. The waddling has definitely begun!! Even Rhonda says she walks just like her Papa did. Haha And I don't disagree!!

As for baby, she's becoming quite the active little girl. Mommy can now feel her inside. We've decided she's just like our dogs, in the sense that as soon as someone even seems awake first thing in the morning, both the dogs and baby start to become active. They all want us awake, even if we're not ready. The movements started out as little "flutters" inside but now they are becoming stronger. Funny, we went to Costco the other day and it was super busy. Like standing room only! The second we got in, baby decided to start moving around like crazy. Rhonda hates crowds so she figures her blood pressure probably went up, thus making baby girl very active.

The other night we went through babies clothes. Most are hand-me-downs (thanks to everyone who has given us stuff) and a few we've purchased second hand. I sorted through sizes to see what we have and we quickly realized that we hardly had anything in the newborn category. We have quite a few onesies but only a few sleepers and a couple of outfits. I know babies grow quickly but the girl does need to wear something! So we went to a Value Village and bought her a couple of things and to Wal-Mart where we bought this super cute, frilly, girlie outfit:
It looks big in the picture but it's actually newborn size. And this morning, babies Grandma Janis said she has already bought some newborn outfits, so that's awesome! And I know I posted this outfit on facebook but I don't think I posted it here. It's a size 6-9 months but it's too cute to not share:
I mean, what little girl wouldn't love her own pair of skinny jeans! We figured baby girl needs to come into this world at least owning a pair, even though it'll be a bit before she can wear them.

My post with the questions didn't really bring much activity. About the only question I've recently had someone ask is do we have a name picked out. And the answer is yes! Since we decided that we wanted to pursue having a baby over 2 years ago now, we started collecting baby names we liked. And once we started trying to get pregnant, we had narrowed the list down to our top 3 boy & girl names. So we've known for quite some time what our first boy and first girl name was going to be. We have no issues telling close family and friends what baby girls name is going to be, but we have decided to keep it off facebook and the blog. It's been tricky for us to not start referring to her as her name, so we've been sticking to just calling her baby or baby girl. I know if we were to start using her name, we'd slip up quickly.

Why keep her name a bit of a secret? Well, we've heard of too many "name stealing" stories. We LOVE the name we've chosen and don't want one of our pregnant family members or friends (and there are a few) to hear it and decide to use it before us. Plus, it's kind of fun to keep y'all wondering!!!

Rhonda has given me complete control over deciding what to do for baby girls nursery. I thought I knew exactly what I wanted but now I'm not so sure? So, here are some of the color schemes I really love and I'd love to hear what you like. Might help me with my decision....maybe....haha....I hope so!!
By the way, my first choice was #1.


  1. I love the coral and white - so pretty!




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