21 Weeks

I was just saying to Rhonda that I can remember when we first found out she was pregnant, at 4 weeks, and here we are at 21 weeks. Amazing! Rhonda is over half way there!! The weeks seem to be flying by, which we are very thankful for! But the waiting game still sucks!! Haha

We have been on cloud 9 since we found out baby is a GIRL!!! It has been so much fun telling babies Grandparents, Great-Grandparents, Uncles & Aunties, cousins & all of our wonderful friends. The reactions have been amazing, as well as the love and support. Thank you to everyone who has shown us they care. It means the world to us. This has been an amazing journey; one that we cherish and one that we are so grateful to be experiencing. There is that one special person who we will never be able to thank enough and who we will always keep close to our heart.

The ultrasound was such an emotional experience for me personally, since it was my first. To see this teeny little being moving inside of her mommies tummy, to see her little heart beating and then to hear it...it was just the most amazing thing ever! It was almost hard to believe. To feel such an overwhelming love for someone unborn...I can't even imagine the feelings that will wash over me once Rhonda & I get to meet her in person...see her tiny little face, hands, feet...hear her cry for the first time...have her little eyes look into ours...to touch her soft skin. I know that it'll be love at first sight. It's the magic of being a parent. I know that parents reading this right now know exactly how we'll feel because you've already experienced it.

I know this post is pretty sappy so I'll switch it up a little. Check out the ultrasound picture! Seriously, the guy who did the ultrasound didn't seem to care and thus, the only picture we went home with has our precious baby girl looking like a skeleton!! She looks dressed for halloween!!! If you can't make out her face, I'll help you a little. The only thing pictured is her head and no body. See below:

Can you see it? A bit creepy, hey!! But hey, I love this beautiful, amazing, creepy little baby girl....more than I could ever imagine!! She melts my heart already.


  1. Hi, my friend. I cried when I found out the baby was a girl.... so happy for the both of you. I just finished ready this last post and you had me crying again. I can feel the love that you have for that precious baby girl. She is going to have such a loving home with parents that are amazing. I'm so happy this dream came true for both of you.
    I have been reading this blog since you had started it. Thank you for this wonderful blog. It makes me feel apart of this beautiful journey with y'all. Please forgive me for not writing often, but I'm right here and care very much for the three of you. Thank you for helping out with the picture. I could not make it out at all. Sucks that's the only picture of her that they give y'all. No worries. I'm sure she will have tons of pictures taken once she is here. Sending lots of love your way. Jamie.



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