8 Week Ultrasound

I am in awe as I sit and look at the first photo of our baby. Sure, it looks like a bug right now, but it's our little bug...our beetle. It just amazes me that at only 8 weeks pregnant, we can see our baby.

Rhonda did great at the ultrasound. Everything looks good, baby is good and mommy is good. Rhonda has a fibroid in her uterus that would have been there before pregnancy but it isn't a concern at all.

In the dark area, you'll see the baby in the middle with the head to the left. I know, big head. We're hoping he/she grows into it. Then you can see the little arms & legs dangling. It looks like baby has a tail still, but that's actually the yolk sac that is used for nutrience for the baby. Below the ultrasound picture is an illustration of what the baby likely looks like.
Yup, amazing. I can't stop smiling!!!


  1. Hi Ladies,

    This is so neat to follow your miraculous journey! Love you bunches!!
    Auntie Jo



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