Rolling In The Dough Cookie Contest Share ~ Mint Mortgage

I'd like to take a quick moment to tell you about the Rolling In The Dough Cookie contest. I promise I'll be brief and I also promise that if you enter, the prizes are awesome! So here's the deal:

The contest will run from Nov 20 to Dec 19, ‘15. How to Enter: 
  • Step #1: Bake a cookie.
  • Step #2: Snap a picture of your creation and send it in with your name & email address. You can send in your submission during the giveaway period via (look under ‘APPS’), or by using this form.
  • Step #3: Relax. There is no step three. :) Good luck!
Brielle with one of the very colorful cookies she decorated.
I made unbaked cookies for my entry!! 

Click here to find out about the awesome prizes, including the grand prize of $2,000.00!!! Seriously, bake cookies and you could win 2 grand! Love it!

Our sweet friend Sarah at Mint Mortgage is the creator of the annual Rolling In The Dough contest so please head over to their Facebook page and click the LIKE button.

Crystal, Brielle, Sarah & Rhonda....we just had to get a pic with the $2,000 cheque. And yes, the winner gets the cheque!! How cool is that!!
So what are you waiting for? Get baking!!


  1. O how lovely it is.From where you get this time for so lovely and graceful posts.Well actually saying this because i stay too much busy that i never get time for all this.



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