Welcome to the second month of the #YMCPhotoADay challenge! Thanks to those who participated in April, and hello to anyone who is just joining!
This is a fun way to get your creative juices flowing. Just follow the prompts below for each day in May, and take a photo that fits the theme in some way. Feel free to interpret the prompt in any way that suits you. You don't even need to take a picture every day if you don't want to, or if you forget. Just participate when you can!
You can take your pictures with ANY camera. In April, I took all of mine with my iPhone. This month, I'm hoping to drag out my dSLR a bit more. This exercise is about starting to notice the world around you in different ways.
We really want to see the pictures you take, so if you'd like to share, please use the hashtag #YMCPhotoADay when uploading your photos to a social media platform. If you'd like to see what everyone else is taking, you should check out Tagboard and search #YMCPhotoADay. All the photos posted to Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or Google+ with that hashtag will be aggregated into one place. (Note: if you post your photo on your personal blog or Flickr, but then link to it on one of those social networks and use the hashtag, it will still show up on Tagboard.) Remember, if you want everyone to be able to see your photos, confirm that your Twitter or Instagram account isn't set to private, and that your Facebook or Google+ posts are set to public for that photo. Be kind and leave encouraging comments for each other on those photo posts!
Here are the prompts for May:
- See more at: http://www.yummymummyclub.ca/blogs/melissa-gaston-find-the-light/20140428/ymc-photo-a-day-challenge-may-2014?s=FB#sthash.3llasrJk.dpuf Will you join us in the fun??
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