I'm Not A Super Mom. I Am Me.

It’s very interesting for me to sit back and read all of the posts and articles going around about “Pinterest Moms” and “Super Moms” who supposedly do-it-all and are showing off on Facebook and other social media sites.
I’ve been accused of being one of those moms.
I don’t try to be one of those moms. It’s just who I am.
Before I had my daughter, I was always busy doing some sort of craft, sewing, wood working, home decorating, greeting card making, scrapbooking, painting type of project. Almost daily. Not much has changed since Brielle came along. It’s just now I have a daughter to share that with and have expanded my projects because of her.
I can’t stop being who I am and anyone who really knows me, knows that about me. That I am creative and like to express it in a crafty kind of way. At times, I think my head will burst if I don’t let the ideas out of my brain. So it’s not like I’m trying to one-up other moms. I didn’t suddenly get some super-power once I became a mom. This is simply who I am.
I won’t stop doing crafts for myself and with my daughter. I won’t stop doing her hair every day and dressing her in cute clothes. I won’t stop planning fun birthday parties for her and making her cute invitations and party favors. I won’t stop sewing her clothes and stuffies. I won’t stop doing these things because it makes you feel less of a mom. That’s not fair to me because I enjoy doing it. It’s not fair to my daughter because she enjoys spending that time with me. And it’s not fair of you to expect that I stop doing something I love just because you feel it reflects on you, when in all reality, this should only affect my family & I.
When I see others posting about so-called moms like me, it saddens me to think that they believe we are trying to show off and be better than them. That we expect the same thing from them, because it simply isn’t true. You are who you are. I am who I am. We are different and that’s okay. It doesn’t mean one of us is a better parent and it is by no means a competition.
Be the kind of mom you want to be, for you and for your family and I'll do the same.
Be you. Unapologetically.


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