Religion Has Many Views

Do I believe in God? Yes, I do. For many reasons, actually. My belief in God and my ability to use prayer is what I believe got me through my childhood. When I was alone and afraid, God was there. Never did I see or hear him, but I felt him. I was always comforted with the fact that he was listening and watching over me when I needed someone. And to this day, prayer still plays an active role in my daily life. But one thing I rarely ever do is share my religious views with others. So when someone knocked on my door today and asked to share some quotes and views from the bible, I listened. You see, I'm not one to outwardly judge others views on religion simply for the fact that I don't want to be judged on mine. I have my views, you have yours and I'm awesome with that. But please don't try to force your views on me because that's where you'll lose me.
The lady at the door was nice. She talked a bit, I smiled, listened and then she asked to come back at a further date. That's when I decided to ask if her religion accepted gays & lesbians. I knew the answer but I needed her to know who I was before we went any further. She talked in circles a bit and led to the question of why I was asking. I told her I had an amazing wife & daughter and that's when she told me that I had the choice to change. That by changing I would be moving towards a better life. All thoughts on "choosing to be gay" aside, I told her no thanks. I didn't want to change and she could not come back. She said that if ever I needed to talk, they would be there.

If ever there was a magic pill, potion or cure that could "change" me, I would never want it. Ever. The fact is, I'm happy and proud to be gay and I love my wife & my daughter more than life itself. So why would I ever want to change? I do understand that this lady has no clue about being gay and I definitely don't hold that against her. She doesn't realize that being gay is not a choice. She doesn't understand that me leaving my family to attempt to be straight would be as devastating as her leaving her family to attempt being gay. But the whole thought of it all was interesting to me. I love who I am and who I'm with so my life is perfect for me.

Our plan is to raise Brielle with religion. We are not people who actively go to church but that doesn't mean we can't teach her our beliefs so she can grow with faith and love. We also want to teach her acceptance of other religious beliefs. We feel she'll be a more well-rounded, open-minded individual in society if she grows up knowing that it takes every kind of person to make this world go round. If she feels confident in what she believes in, she'll go far in this world. And if she learns to accept all, she will make a great friend to many.


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