You Get What You Pay For

On the weekend we had family pictures done. And just what the post title says, you get what you pay for. We had looked into a number of photographers in the city and sadly, we would have ended up with a $800-$1000 bill and no disk, or very few images on a disk. So we opted to look at the three most affordable places; Walmart, Superstore & Sears. In the end, we decided on Sears because we could purchase a package that has all of the images on disk to do whatever we please with and our bill was less than a couple hundred bucks. Perfect! But again, you get what you pay for.

Don't get me wrong, we did get some really beautiful photos. But sadly, the photographer was not experienced, lacked in her ability to get Brielle's attention and had no creativity with poses. Had Rhonda not suggested a few things, we would have had the most boring photos on the planet. If only we could have had the other photographer that was working with another family...oh, things would have been better. We peeked at their pictures and she did an awesome job! They were a couple also with a baby. But again, you get what you pay for.

Thankfully there were some great photos to choose from and we are excited to have them printed and share with our special family & friends. I will let you have a sneak peek at one photo and one photo only. The original, before it was edited, had Rhonda sitting in an old fashioned, wooden chair. It looked like the picture was 20 years ago. So to make it even usable, I cropped the chair out and focused on just our head areas as best as I could.
So while the photo isn't horrible, it's not my favorite. But, it could be worse. We could have ended up with family photos like these:

Thank you Sears for not being this bad.


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