Brielle Loves ~ 5 Months

Today our sweet pea is 5 months old! I remember the first couple of months took forever to fly by but now, the time is going very quickly. She's at the age where she changes almost daily. Not so much in looks, but with her abilities to learn new things. She is a sponge!! One moment she can't do something so you show her how, then turn around and she's doing it on her own.

I should probably explain a few of the things listed as her "loves." Her puppies....yes, she LOVES them. A while ago we re-homed our youngest dog, Mia, so now we don't have to worry about the other two being out in the house during the day. They are so great with Brielle and if invited to come give her kisses and such, they are all over that. Pyper will roll on her back and want Brielle to rub her belly. She will also bring Brielle her ball, lay it beside her and wait patiently for Brielle to throw it. And when asked to leave her, they just go about doing their own thing and won't bother her at all. But Brielle loves to see them, watch them play, have them come up to her and seems to love them just as much as they love her. Every chance she gets, she is smiling like crazy at the mere sight of them. It's pretty great to have such a nice balance between dogs & baby in the house. As for the cats, they pretty much don't care about her. She watches them but they don't interact with her so there isn't the reaction that she gets with the dogs.

About a month or so ago, Brielle started watching us eat. She'd follow the fork from your plate to your mouth during mealtimes. Then about a week or two ago, she started to act frustrated when we were eating, or drinking, for that matter. So we finally decided that maybe it's time to introduce one or two spoon feedings each day. She used to get rice cereal in her bedtime bottle, but we've skipped that completely and she's now eating rice cereal mixed with a little veggies or fruits. This week we introduced cooked, pureed carrots. We have a baby bullet, so it's pretty easy for us to make up a batch and use as needed. She's also had prunes to keep her regular. Our goal is to introduce new fruits & veggies slowly just so we know if there is something that may bother her. The recommended age for babies to start foods is 6 months but in my personal opinion, you need to know your baby and do what's right for them. Babies are not "text book" or cut from a cookie cutter. No two are the same. Our baby....she's hungry so we're going to feed her....wisely.

The "hohoho...Merry Christmas" is something that Rhonda started a while ago. The first time she said it to Brielle, she cracked up. And every time since, she continues to crack up. Good mood....bad mood....half asleep...wide awake...eating...say "hohoho....Merry Christmas" and you'll get the biggest, goofiest, toothless grin. But you can't just say it. Of course, Rhonda has a tone to it that seems to get Brielle's attention. Silly baby!

And while I'd like to say we have the perfect baby who is so good, never cries or is grumpy....yah, I would be lying. She's normal and has her moments. Right now, she's learned to growl when she's frustrated or angry. It's one good reason why we've started with the baby sign language...maybe it'll help once she learns it. But until then, we have a little girl who has resorted to growling to get our attention, and she won't hesitate to freak out to see if maybe that'll work to get her what she wants. She is definitely "spirited" and we'd better look out once she's old enough to be crawling and walking.

But all in all, we are blessed. We have a happy, healthy, active baby girl who makes us smile dozens upon dozens of times each day and makes us laugh even more.


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