Changing The Future

I am about to embark on one of the best journeys of my life; something that will change my future dramatically...for the better of my happiness...and most of all, for my family.

About 5 years ago I discovered Lap Band, which is basically an adjustable gastric band that is placed around the top of the stomach to treat obesity. I read about it and wanted it. The cost is insane so my hopes to have it done were quickly diminished. Fast forward to a few weeks ago when I discovered Slim Band. I quickly filled out the survey and within seconds, they phone was ringing. They wanted me to sign up for a consultation right then and there, I made a phone appointment but something just wasn't right. I cancelled.

Less than 2 days later, Rhonda came rushing down the stairs, super excited! She found a site on my computer and told me I needed to see it. I was immediately hooked on finding out as much as I could about this site, who they were, how they changed peoples lives, how it could happen for me...because in my heart, I knew this was the answer to my prayers.

A week later, I met the wonderful "Beat The Odds" family from Lloydminster. I call them a family because everyone there has been on this same journey that I'm about to take. Together with their encouragement and the support and excitement of my amazing wife, I am heading to Puerto Vallarta, Mexico on September 18 to have Gastric Sleeve surgery (also known as Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy)!!

What is Gastric Sleeve/Vertical Sleeve surgery?  It is a surgical weight-loss procedure where the stomach is reduced to about 25% of its original size. A large portion of the stomach is removed, including the hunger producing portion. Surgeons follow the major curve of the stomach, the edges are stapled together to form a banana shaped tube and therefore the size of the stomach is permanently reduced. Surgery takes about an hour and is relatively safe. There are risks, just as there are with all other surgeries.

While I'm sitting here VERY excited, I can just about imagine what's going through most peoples minds at this time. Why such an extreme measure to lose weight? Extreme weight loss issues require extreme measures, although I honestly don't find this extreme. I've lived my entire adult life being obese and it's not easy. I have struggled emotionally and physically for almost 20 years. While diets have allowed me to lose weight, and on occasion I have lost a good portion of weight, they are not a long term solution. Ask anyone who has ever been on a diet. The Sleeve will become a lifestyle change. In a way it forces you to make the change for good, which is what most of us need. Not only will my food choices have to be different, so will my portion sizes, and that's not a bad thing. We as a society eat way too much and we are drawn to all of the foods that aren't good for us; you know, the super sweet, salty, fatty, deep fried addictions. And that's what they are to us...they become our comfort, easy, lazy foods. Foods we rely on so greatly that we rarely remember how good an old fashioned, home cooked meal tastes. If we had to make every meal at home and use healthy, natural foods, none of us would be overweight. I know I wouldn't be.
You're also probably wondering why on earth I would go to Mexico for surgery? Great question! In the past I had this stereotypical thought in my head, much like you probably do, about the cleanliness in Mexico. Ask anyone who has ever visited there, even just driving to a resort. There are a lot of areas that are dirty, garbage in the ditches, skinny dogs running get the picture. Now think of a Mexican hospital or Mexican doctors. The picture in your head probably isn't much better. It wasn't until I really started researching this as an option, that I realized I wasn't being fare. The more I found out about the CMQ hospital, the surgeons and read others experiences, the more I knew I was making the right decision. (click here to visit their site) Not only is Mexico thousands of dollars cheaper than Canada or the US, these doctors perform 10 times as many surgeries as the doctors in Canada and the US. The risk of complications is significantly decreased because they have much more experience than most. I've also read so many great things about the cleanliness of the facility, the friendliness of the staff and the support of the surgical team. And more than one person said that the care they received in this hospital was a million times better than any care they ever received in a Canadian hospital.

I've read so much about others families and friends giving them a hard time because they are taking the easy road out. I disagree. The Sleeve is a head start to a life-long battle. Yes, the surgery will make it easy to lose the weight, but you must be willing to help yourself; to make the changes each and every day, for the rest of your life. Healthy eating and an active lifestyle are the only way to make this work for good. Easy? I don't think so. Worth it? A million times....absolutely!!

This decision did not come lightly, nor did I make it myself. I could have never made this decision alone. This not only affects me, but it affects Rhonda & Brielle. I want to be the best wife and mother I can be, and with all of this extra weight, it's not happening. What we do and how we do it is restricted due to my lack of ability. I want to be able to run with my daughter in the park, enjoy swimming, hiking, walking, biking....all things I struggle with on a daily basis. I look forward to the fact that by the time Brielle is walking, I will likely be 40-60 pounds lighter....maybe more. I will not only feel great, but my attitude and what I teach her by example, will be much more beneficial to her and how she grows up feeling about herself. Being obese; yes I could fake it for her sake, but why should I have to. It will be much better for her to follow in her mothers footsteps knowing I am truly happy with the person I am.
Eating healthy will also help Rhonda get back to her goal weight and enable us to teach Brielle how to eat properly so she doesn't grow up obese like so many kids do these days. Childhood obesity is staggering and we don't want our daughter to fall prey to that. She's going to have enough struggles in life. Why would we purposely add this to her list.

Am I afraid to have the surgery? I guess a small part of me is nervous, but the biggest part of me is excited....excited about how I will begin to really live. Right now I know I'm not living my life to its fullest, and honestly I don't know what that's going to be like? Again, I've been obese for more than half my life and when I wasn't, I was a kid. I don't know what it's like to be a normal weight adult, so there will be some adjustment period. I'm sure I'll be confused about my body, it's shape and how to react to the new me...but heck, I'm willing to give it a damned good go! This sleepy girl is about to wake up and live life!!!

I welcome every ones comments and questions but please keep them positive. This has been very emotional time for me so encouragement in any way would be great. I do know that not everyone will agree to my decision and that's okay. Typically those are the people who simply do not understand. But I do know that I am blessed with so many amazing, supportive family members and friends. Thank you for that!

I encourage you to follow my journey through the Beat The Odds facebook page (click here). And if you are curious about surgery for yourself, please visit their website (click here). They are a wonderful group of people who are there to answer your questions, make all arrangements and accompany you to Mexico for the surgery. A huge thank you to the entire BTO staff. Changing lives must feel great!


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