Brielle Goes To Houston

August 27, early morning: We headed to the airport and boarded the plane from Saskatoon to Calgary. Brielle pretty much sleeps the entire way and has no idea what's going on. She saw the airport but had no idea she was on a plane.

Calgary airport, she wakes up to have people gawking and talking and oohing and awing over how cute she is. She makes stinkies but they don't seem to care. We feed her just before we board the plane again and she falls asleep. Once again, she has no idea she's flying.

About an hour before we land in Houston, Brielle finally wakes up. Mommy Rhonda feeds her, changes her bum and then this discussion happens.

Mommy: Brielle, you're on a plane.

Brielle: No way!
Mommy: Yup, really, you're on a plane.

Brielle: Are you serious?
Mommy: Yes Brielle, I'm serious. Right mommy?

Other mommy: Yes Brielle, you're on a plane. We're going to Houston.

Brielle: Oh, you guys are such jokers!!
Mommy: We're not joking! Don't you remember we told you we're all going on a plane to Houston?

Brielle: Oh crap! You are serious!!
Mommy: Yup, it's true! Isn't this fun!!

Brielle: Holy crap! I'm on a plane!! I can't do this!!!
Mommy: You can do this sweety. Just breathe.

Brielle: Okay, okay....just breathe....just breathe.
Mommy: See, this is fun, right?

Brielle: Yah, whatever...this is boring now. Maybe I should nap again.
Silly girl. She actually did so amazing yesterday. And when we landed in Houston, the wheels touched the runway making the plane bump and Brielle giggled. It was priceless. She seemed to be having a blast.

During the night, she did not sleep well. She was unsettled and very grumpy. But, with both mommies taking turns with her, we made it through the night. By morning she was happy as could be, laughing and cooing and giggling as she layed in the sunshine. She just loves to have the sun rays shining on her and is such a happy girl. Makes both mommies happy.

Today she and I are just hanging out in the hotel room. Since we don't have any bouncy chair, swing or Nap Nanny, I had to be creative and give her the opportunity to sit up on the couch. She did quite well and really enjoyed it...but she's still quite top heavy and doesn't have control over tipping over. Since this picture, we've perfected her "propping" materials so she sits upright easily. All in all, she's enjoying Houston. Haven't been here for 24 hours yet, but with a baby, every minute counts.


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