Brielle Loves ~ Age 6 Weeks

I know, I know. Who would think this sweet looking little angel could crab and cry and scream and grunt and fuss and grumble....but if you look very close, her wings are slightly tarnished. :) Fact is, babies aged 5-6 weeks cry up to 3 hours per day. Brielle doesn't cry that long, but she sure has been giving it a go. The facts are true! But thankfully 6 weeks is supposed to be the peak for crying and then it's supposed to taper off and be down to a minimal by 12 weeks of age. There is hope! Haha

Even with her fits of crying and carrying on, Brielle is still a very good baby. We really don't have many complaints with her. For the most part, she still quite happy and content and give us reason to smile and chuckle all day long. I just can't wait for the day when she's old enough to read this and go "MOM!!! You posted that for everyone to see?" Haha

I love you Brielle!!!


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