My Nap Nanny Review

Nap Nanny comes in a variety of colors and patterns. We have this pink one.
It's likely that many of you have never heard of the Nap Nanny Chill. Long before we conceived, we had already started researching new products that could help us with our first born, and the Nap Nanny was one of those products that stood out to me. The concept of it made sense to me so before Brielle was born, we purchased one. And let me tell you, it's the best money we've spent to date.

Our angel enjoying a peaceful sleep in her Nap Nanny.
So here's what it is. The Nap Nanny is a portable infant recliner made from a large piece of foam, shaped & contoured to a 30 degree angle for comfort, will relieve the stress from colic, acid reflux, colds & stuffiness, gas, ear infections, babies who won't sleep on a flat surface, can increase sleep time by 3-4 hours, cover is easily removed for washing, secure harness is attached and can be used well into the toddler years.

Brielle gives the Nap Nanny a big thumbs up!!
 While in NICU, Brielle's isolette had her laying on a slight incline and not flat. Thus, once we got her home, she did not want to have a sound, comfortable sleep in the bassinet. As soon as we put her in the Nap Nanny, we have not looked back. Well, I will say that we've tried the bassinet a couple more times and she is not having it. She just does not like to have a long, sound sleep while flat on her back, and at this point, we're okay with that. People use the Nap Nanny for both night time and day time, as do we. We are sure to alternate which side she sleeps on (since she's so little and doesn't fit the middle) to ensure she doesn't get the flat head. And so far, so good.

Chillin' in her Nap Nanny!
 The Nap Nanny rules say only use on the floor! We have definitely broken that rule. She has been on it on our couch and our bed. Up until this point, she can't really move her whole body that much....not enough to be able to wiggle or push herself out of the con-caved area of the Nap Nanny. She is very small in it, but that's not to say accidents couldn't happen. She is always in it in the same room that we are. But as she's getting bigger and stronger, we will be following rules a lot more closely. There is also a harness in the inside that is good for babies weight 8 lbs and up. Well.....Brielle came home at 4 lbs 13 oz so we never even attempted to put her in the harness because it is HUGE compared to her. Again, we've been cautious and will continue to be. It won't be long before she will fit the harness...right now it's up to her armpits!! Haha

When napping or sleeping at night, we pretty much always have her wrapped tightly in one of her swaddle wraps, arms secure and snug as a bug in a rug. Then we cover the bottom part of her with a small blanket, below the chin, so it doesn't have the option of covering her face. The only part that she can freely move is her head. This is how she is most comfortable. Then once she wakes up for feeding, we free her arms so she can stretch and fart until she's fully awake and ready to eat.

Anyway, the Nap Nanny has been one of the best investments for us. And I love the fact that she can use it up until she can't even fit in it any longer, which will be a long time. I'm sure she'll be 2 or 3 years old and sitting in it to watch movies with mommies. I also love the fact that we can take it places because it's light. It is big in size but light enough to not be a pain to travel with. We take Nap Nanny everywhere!

Great gift idea for anyone you know having a baby!!


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