33 Weeks

Our ultrasound and doctors appointment went great yesterday. Baby girl was nice and calm during the ultrasound which made it quite easy for him to check everything he needed to. First thing he checked was her head size, which we found out is small. And because she is small, he then checked the chambers of the heart, which are all in awesome working order. He then checked her stomach size, which is also small and then her leg which he said was long for her frame. So it seems we have a tall, slender "model" on our hands. We got to see her little hands and feet and he once again confirmed and showed us that we are indeed having a girl. Her weight is 4 lbs which is little for this time of the pregnancy but because she is developing just fine, there is nothing to worry about. We simply have a little girl.

Her size puts her in the 14th percentile. For those who don't know what this means, this is basically what the doctor said. Take 100 babies all the same age, line them up in order of size from the smallest being 1 and the biggest being 100. Our baby is #14 in size. This seems very small when you think about it in this context but she said they only worry about babies who are in the 10th percentile and under. So she's fine as long as she continues to grow, which she has been all along....just not super fast like some babies.

It was so awesome to see her again; to watch her move inside of her mommy. And the closer we get to delivery, the more I just can't wait to meet her in person....see her face...hear her cry...feel her close to me. Thinking about it makes me warm and fuzzy all over. We also got to hear her heartbeat, twice. It was 140 beats per minute, which is a little lower than it normally is, but she was very calm and relaxed during the appointment.

Another great thing we learned was that she is already in the proper position which means her head is down, close to the birth canal, and her feet are pointing up. Good girl! We are really hoping to not have a breech baby. Now as long as she stays there, we'll be really happy.
We finally got a profile ultrasound picture and not a scary skeletal one like the last time. Can you see her? Looking from the right you will see the rounded part of her forehead followed by a bump that is her nose, then another that is her lips and then her chin. Below her chin is a bright roundish spot which is likely a hand. If you can't see it, don't worry...I had to point it out to Rhonda as well.

So, all is well with our baby girl. Gosh, we are so blessed!!


  1. Awe.... Y'all will be having a petite little girl. She is going to be a doll. She looks really petite in the ultrasound. I wonder if she will have Rhonda's bouncing curl's. I just don't know how you get any sleep at all waiting on such a wonderful gift. Wish you were here NOW! lol



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