Future Mommy

Being pregnant is an amazing gift and I just loved this poster when I seen it. I have not experienced pregnancy but I do live with an amazing woman who is. I see the changes her body has gone through and how it has affected her. I just have to say that she is more beautiful to me as the days go by, as her body changes and as the little princess inside of her grows. It is important for me to reassure her as often as I can that I love her and that she is beautiful....because it's true. And if anyone were to tell her any different, I hope she won't believe it.

So what if there are stretch marks after baby is born? Like the poster says, each one tells a story and is an important part of the journey towards life with a precious child. All pregnant women need to know they are perfect exactly the way they are. They hold a precious gift within them and family & friends should honor this as well. They too are responsible for making this journey a very special one. Kind words will brighten any pregnant mommies day. For those who have experienced this same journey towards motherhood, you know exactly what I mean!!

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