2D, 3D & 4D Ultrasound Day

The day pretty much rocked!! Planned on sleeping in this morning but with all of the excitement, it didn't happen. We showed up early and the ultrasound lady was so wonderful. She started the session a bit early and was so amazing to walk us through everything and point out as much as she possibly could, while family & friends tuned in. We were told by people watching that Rhonda could be heard easily but the ultrasound lady was hard for them to hear over the internet. I do hope it was enjoyable for everyone despite that.

We were thrilled with the results. We got to see and hear her little heart beating. She's pretty consistant at 146 beats per minute with every ultrasound that Rhonda's had.

Baby Girls heartbeat with a pic of her heart
The ultrasound lady also checked 3 or 4 times and she is definitely a SHE!! No denying that because she once again pointed her little Vjayjay towards us as if to say "look what I got mommy." LOL Other than that, she was a pretty shy girl either hiding her face or putting her hand up by her face to block the view.

Decided to do some side by side photos to help you figure out what's what. Look inside the C and you'll see a round part...that's her round bum. Look at the long white things where it says Leg...those are her legs. Now look inside the V and you'll see what looks to be a V. That's her little girlie parts. This is the ONLY time it's appropriate for her to have her Vjayjay on the internet!!!
A couple of times, the ultrasound lady had Rhonda roll on her side and push baby girl hard to try to get her to move. Let's just say she's stubborn already. Not surprising! She also seemed to have fallen asleep so Rhonda broke out the secret weapon....FOOD!! Yup, our girl already responds to food. After that, she had a burst of energy and we got to see her moving around, opening her eyes, sticking her tongue in and out of her mouth and even giving us a big yawn. She also seems to be a thumb sucker!

Something else that was pretty amazing to see was that Baby Girl already has hair! From the top of the skull, looking down, the ultrasound lady pointed out a layer of something sticking out from the head, which is her hair. Absolutely cool to see that! Should also mean she won't be bald when she's born!

Side profile of Baby Girl. In this pic she's smiling which is why her top and bottom lips are far apart. You can see the dark part curl into a smile.
Did I cry? Well, maybe once right at the beginning. And then maybe one more time part way through. And then maybe another time when she gave her big, giant yawn. To see her moving so clearly was just so amazing and overwhelming...and to hear that little heartbeat. Let's just say that I could never imagine being in love with her any more than I am now.

She looked to be frowing a lot. We think she was pouting because the ultrasound lady and Mommy kept waking her up when she wanted to nap. Basically, she was ticked at us!!

Such a shy girl. She has both arms up covering her face. You can easily see the top hand made into a fist and the fingers stretched out on the bottom hand.

We purchased a DVD of the session so we can share the experience with family & friends who weren't able to tune in with us. It's something I know we'll watch over and over again...like maybe tomorrow. :) We've looked at all 79 photos about a dozen or more times already. Both Rhonda & I have been on a major high all day. If you ever get to have this experience, we both highly recommend it. It will warm your heart and take your breath away!!

Bottom of her foot...you can see her rounded heel and then all of the bones in her toes.


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