Week 9 Doctors Appointment

Yesterday Rhonda had a doctors appointment and thankfully she got to meet her actual doctor, and thankfully she really liked her and felt comfortable with her. During her first appointment, the doctor she wanted was unavailable, and due to spotting, she really just wanted to see any doctor.

The visit yesterday was just to talk about a few things, the most important being that we have to decide if we want to get the test done to find out if the baby could have Down Syndrome. After discussing it for a bit, we have decided to not have the test done. Many people do and then abort the baby because they don't want to care for a Down Syndrome child. For us, we could never do that....ever! We are happy with whatever little miracle God gives us and feel that no matter what, we are going to love this child, Down Syndrome or not. Others find out so they aren't shocked when the babies born but again, it just doesn't really matter to us. This is our child....unconditionally.

Something else that was talked about and made me feel really good (and Rhonda too, if I had to guess) is all the talk about women having children over the age of 35. You hear and read so much about how much harder things are and how much more of a risk there is when the mother is over 35 and apparently, that's not so. Medicine has come so far and life for women is so different than it was years ago. Just think about it years ago; by the age of 35, women had a dozen or more kids and had little to no medical attention. The risks were much greater than they are today. Not saying that there are no risks for us, but they are common risks that any mother can have. So it was just a nice peice of mind for us.

Rhonda's next ultrasound is going to be at 16 weeks, I believe. And I think that's when we'll hopefully get to find out the sex of the baby. Yes, we are going to find out if it's a boy or a girl. And yes, we know both sides of finding out or not finding out. I know there are so many mixed feelings about this but it's something we really want to do. I have always wanted to find out the sex (when talking about having children came up) but Rhonda was unsure and didn't give it any serious thought. I'll admit I kind of made the final decision but I know that Rhonda's happy with it and we are both very excited about finding out. As to what we are hoping for; boy or girl....well, it really doesn't matter to either of us. Boy or girl, we will be over the moon with happiness!! Knowing will make it much easier to prepare for when baby comes. So, here's to hoping baby is in a good position when we get to find out the sex!


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