First Doctors Visit

Yesterday Rhonda visited the doctor for the first time. Her original appointment was for the 13th of December but with all of the spotting, she decided to see if they would bump her up to an earlier appointment. She was there for quite a while doing the routine bloodwork and tests, confirming the pregnancy and when she mentioned about the spotting, the doctor didn't seemed one bit concerned. Great news!

The doctor did order an ultrasound for next week. I am THRILLED and of course there are all kinds of things running through my head. What will the baby look like? Will we be able to tell it's a baby? Is there one or maybe even two in there? What I am not thrilled about is that I likely won't be able to go with her. I SOOOO want to but with the dayhome, I doubt I'll be able to swing it. But I guess we'll see.

So, all is well. Everything is fine. Rhonda survived a pap by a male doctor. (haha) Doctor wasn't concerned about spotting. We can breathe a sigh of relief. Baby can continue to grow. We are happy.


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