Baby Stuff Galore

I have been wanting to buy something for the baby pretty much since the day we found out we were expecting. And now, 4 weeks later, we have finally made our first purchase. I wanted it to be something fun and cute but instead, we started with something practical. Go figure!

So, what did we buy? We bought two pairs of Sock Ons. Had never heard of them or even seen any baby wear them, but we were both sold and so we purchased a white pair and a black pair. You know, neutral colors for either a boy or a girl and 2 pair just in case it's twins!

 Now you're probably wondering what the heck Sock Ons are? On the tag it reads "Clever little things that keep baby socks on!"
The back of the tag also reads "Sock Ons are award winning garments that keep baby socks on! They are worn over the sock and 'lock' them into place with a patent pending design. Sock Ons are an ingenious and trendy solution to a very annoyng problem and are an item that no baby (or sane parent) can do without! Sock Ons have been invented by a mum of five little boys who always lost their socks!"

So, we'll see if these really work once baby comes. I do know that it's a pain in the butt when you are constantly putting socks back on or pulling them up time after time, day after day, just from having the kids here in my daycare. Again, not cutesty or fun, but practical and may be a really great purchase on our part. We'll see.

There are not a lot of big things that we need to purchase for baby, thanks to the generosity of my sister Natalie. She gave us a bag of baby toys and a dresser which I don't have pics of. The dresser needs to be painted and who better for the job....ME!! We are also going to purchase a used crib so I'll likely end up painting the two at the same time.

She also gave us this bathtub...
 This Bumbo with tray...
 This playgym...well, kind of. The one we have is red & blue but basically the same thing...
 This car exersaucer...
 This aquarium swing...

This JJ Cole Bundle Me for the carseat in winter. The zipper needs fixing but again, who better for the job...ME!!

 And from my Mom we got this hippo push & ride toy...
 This step & ride...
Mom also gave us a whole rubbermaid full of interactive toys plus a few little baby clothes. They are blue. Wonder if she think's we'll have a boy??

And our very first gift is the Winnie The Pooh baby blanket you see in the first couple of posts. It was a gift from Chris, Nicole & Jesse who are expecting their baby girl by the end of this year!!! How exciting. We get to snuggle a baby before we have our own!!

On another note, some of you have wanted to leave a comment and were unable. I think I have fixed this problem so please leave comments!! We really love to read them.


  1. You missed your calling should have been a writer! I always look forward to the updates so keep them coming. I am so excited for the both of you and know you will make wonderful parents. Lucky baby(ies) to have two people who will love him/her/them as much as you guys will. Wish all children could be so lucky:)

  2. I think I have never seen such blogs ever before that has complete things with all details which I want. So kindly update this ever for us.

  3. why dont you write about pack and play?



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