Grow Baby, Grow!!

I've been doing some online reading and it absolutely amazes me how fast our baby is growing. I came across this cool site that has a nice little article about baby at 7 weeks and this great pic of what baby should look like.

Although it doesn't completely look like a looks like a baby. Not cute...but cute. No matter what, it is AMAZING. This whole process and baby development is amazing. Maybe it only really excites when it's happening to you? I don't know. But I do enjoy reading about it and sharing with anyone who wants to know.

As per this same website, it says this:

Pregnancy week 7 is an important time in the growth and development of your baby. By 7 weeks pregnant your baby’s facial features start to take shape. If you were to peer at your baby very closely by pregnancy week 7 you could actually start seeing a tiny mouth. Inside this mouth your babies tongue is starting to take shape. By 7 weeks pregnant your baby’s eyes also start taking on a more natural appearance, as the retina begins to shape and form. Your baby’s muscle and bone systems continue to develop at pregnancy 7 weeks as well. Your baby’s body is even developing at a rapid pace during 7 weeks of pregnancy. Along with this your baby’s intestines, appendix and thin veins start to take shape and form. All the while your baby is happily bouncing about in his warm and cozy nesting place.

Other important things happening are:
  • The embryo is around 13 mm (1/2 inch) in length.
  • The heart is beating with one chamber.
  • A dividing wall is formed in the heart.
  • Arm and leg buds begin to grow.
  • The lower jaw and the vocal cords are beginning to form.
  • The mouth opening is formed.
  • The inner ear is being created.
  • The digestive tract is developing
  • The navel string is being created
  • The following organs are being formed: the lungs, the liver, the pancreas and the thyroid gland.
Grow baby, grow!! We want you to arrive happy and healthy!! Only 235 days to go.


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