February 1, 2015
San Diego, California
We had just finished up supper at The Hard Rock Café when Brielle leaned over and said "mommy, my angel."
"What angel Brielle?"
"My angel. Where did my angel go?"
"Did you see an angel?"
"Yes. Let's go find my angel. I need to find my angel mommy. Where did my angel go?"
I took her hand and let her lead me around the restaurant because she was clearly concerned that she couldn't find her angel. We never did see her angel that evening but she talking about it until bedtime. It brought me to tears.
Brielle meeting Grandma in person for the first time. |
Earlier that day we were walking around Old Town San Diego when Brielle's daddy, Dean, sent a text message that his mom had been rushed to the hospital and they weren't sure if she was going to make it. A few minutes later, we got word that she passed away.
It was so sudden and we are in complete shock.
Many of our Facebook friends know Brielle's Grandma, Liz Pottinger, well. She has been one of Brielle's number one supporters and is always commenting on how much she loves her granddaughter and how proud she is of Brielle. Living so far away, in Winnipeg, has been hard but it's been such a blessing that she had the opportunity to "see" Brielle through Facebook pictures and posts on a daily basis. It's going to be so hard to adjust to not seeing her likes, comments and posts.
Liz with her littlest love, Taz. |
Rhonda was pregnant with Brielle the first time we met Liz & her husband Ron. I will be honest by saying it was uncomfortable, considering our situation. We were not family and had no connection other than that unborn baby who would change our entire world and our entire relationship. Shortly after Brielle was born, Liz added us on Facebook. We hadn't met again in person until Brielle was 11 months old. By this point, we had all developed a relationship through social media, photos, emails and of course through Dean who talked to his mom faithfully every Sunday. We were no longer strangers. We were family. Liz & Ron welcomed us as a part of their family and we feel so blessed to have had these few short years getting the opportunity to know them. Liz has been such a wonderful Grandma to Brielle and our hearts are so sad that she is gone. She will be missed more than she will ever know. But she will always be talked about in our home, with kindness and love.
Brielle with Daddy & Grandma last spring. |
Our hearts ache for all of Liz's family and friends. She was a wonderful person with a loving, kind heart. We would like to take a moment to send our sincere sympathies to Grandpa Ron who has lost his wife and to Dean & Anita who have lost their mother. You are in our thoughts and prayers now and always.
Brielle with Grandma & Grandpa Pottinger. |
We would also like to take a moment to send a special message to Grandma Liz. Thank you for welcoming us into your family and your heart. Your private messages of love, encouragement, support, photos and stories of your family mean so much to us. You wanted nothing more than to be a wonderful Grandma to Brielle and you did just that. And thank you for letting us know you are her guardian angel. We know you'll be there with her when she's happy, sad and to keep her safe as she grows. We also know you'll be there with her through every special moment in her life; her first day of school, her first crush, her first heartbreak, her graduation day, her first love, her wedding day, the birth of her children and everything in between. And for that, we can't thank you enough.
This is my favorite picture of Brielle & Grandma. <3 <3 |
Cheers to a wonderful lady! We love you!!
This picture of Brielle was taken around the time when Grandma Liz went to heaven. |
Beautiful <3