Children Are Not Sexy


These words are all things I would refer to my daughter as. Sexy is not on the list. It's an adult word, is highly offensive and inappropriate. Sexy means sexy, as in SEX!

voluptuously sensual in appearance or behavior ( informal
marked by or tending to arouse sexual desire or interest; "feeling sexy"; "sexy clothes"; "sexy poses"; "a sexy book"; "sexy jokes"
aphrodisiac: exciting sexual desire

In this day and age, children are sexualized way too early. Everywhere we look, women and men are posing almost naked. Everyone can see it on the cover of magazines, commercials, tv shows, movies, billboards, online...pretty much everywhere we look. It's sad that children get the opportunity to see "sexy" everywhere, but then to be referred to as sexy by an adult...that's just way too much for me. Children (any age, from 18 and under) should not be focusing on being sexy, nor should adults be focusing on making their children sexy. I love dressing Brielle up in cute clothes but there are things that are highly inappropriate. In no way would I ever dress her in something that I thought an adult would think of her as "sexy." Nor do I think she should be posing for photos in a provocative way. It's disgusting. And to me, seeing a 1 year old, 10 year old, 13 year old and even 17 or 18 year old posing in a provocative way, is highly inappropriate. Yet I see parents allowing their children to post photos like this on facebook all of the time. In the past I've been challenged about my thoughts on what parents allow their children to post on facebook. It amazes me that there are so many parents saying that it's their kids facebook page so they don't have a say on what they post. You're the parent....they are your should be the one in charge of growing them up right.  Just saying.

Let's let children be children.

Clothing companies are making a fortune off of clothes that say things like SEXY or JUICY across the bum. It's not cute. It's not appropriate. I wouldn't allow my 16 year old to wear that as much as I wouldn't allow my 1 year old to wear it. I simply do not want my child to be sexualized as a CHILD. There are plenty of cute, adorable clothes on the market that you can dress your child in without being inappropriate. I personally want my daughter to grow up feeling good about what she wears and I also want her to eventually find a life partner who is interested in her, for her, and not because he/she seen her wearing the sexiest, hot little number at 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 or 18 years old. I want better for her. I want her to know she can dress modestly, not showing huge amounts of skin & cleavage and still feel like a confident young woman. She doesn't have to dress like a Nun. That's not it at all. But she does not need to bring sex into her life as a child. She deserves a childhood without sex.

I've heard adults call children sexy. I don't like it and I would have to say something if someone called my daughter sexy. It happened to me as a child. I enjoyed it. It made me feel like I was important and had worth. I was allowed to wear clothing that was inappropriate for my age, allowed to hang out with adults and was encouraged to act more like an adult long before I was one. As a child, I didn't know it was wrong. As an adult with a daughter of my own, I know it's wrong. I don't want this to happen to Brielle and will do everything in my power to teach her that it's just not right. I don't want her to lose her innocence too early.

There are a thousand other ways to verbally compliment children. Let's use them.


  1. I second this post. Kids need to remain kids as long as they can, and to not be forced to grow up sooner.

    Thanks for voicing this.



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