Brielle's Story Time Play Date Sponsored by Natrel Baboo

A while back we entered our name, through Mom Central Canada, to participate in a Story Time Play Date sponsored by Natrel Baboo. We were chosen which meant that we were given some cool stuff and were told to host a party. Fun, right!

When our kit arrived in the mail, we had no idea we were even chosen. We received Natrel Baboo samples, $20 Loblaws (Superstore) gift card, $10 Sears gift card, two Robert Munsch books, 10 Little People, 10 Fisher Price catalogues with a $5 off coupon and a Little People barnyard play set from Fisher Price. We used the gift cards to purchase snacks for our gift bags and to serve at our party, which was held on Saturday, September 28. When everyone arrived Brielle handed out the gift bags, the kids, parents & grandparents enjoyed snacks & drinks, the little ones played with the Little People toys, we had story time (which the adults seemed to love as well) and everyone played some more until it was nap time and they all went home. It was a huge success and we thank everyone who joined us!

Enjoy our party via photos...


  1. Looks like everyone had a blast. Great job setting it up.



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