First Tooth

February 7 marks the day that Brielle got her first tooth!!
I had been poking around in her mouth, checking, for a couple of days. As of yesterday morning, nothing. Then it happened at the most magical place....Walmart. Haha Rhonda was pushing her in the cart and was poking around in her mouth after she thought she felt something. But she couldn't really get a good feel at the time. We headed over to Reitmans and as I was trying on clothes in the fitting room, that's when she got a good feel around and found the little tooth poking it's head out. Thinking back, it was kind of sickening with the two of us ooing and ahhing over Brielle's first the fitting room area of a store. But hey, that's what you get with two mommies.
And not only did she get her first tooth yesterday, but she also has started to take some steps and walk when we hold her hands. Before yesterday, she loved to stand but she would never take steps to move forward on her own. Yesterday, she totally got it!!! I think it's all downhill from here. Haha Because she was actually walking, our dog Hallie thought Brielle was playing with her so she'd crouch in front of her, bum in the air, and wait for her to get close....then run!! And because Brielle loves the dogs to death, Brielle knew Hallie was playing with her and would get excited. She'd stop walking and just giggle and bounce up and down. The dogs will be in trouble once she's walking on her own. LOL
She's still not crawling or even looking like she will. We thought for sure she'd be crawling by now, just because she's enjoying the freedom of being on the ground and getting around on her own. But it seems that rolling to where she wants to go, is suiting her just fine. She also loves, loves to sit up on her own and play. We have hardwood floors so at first we were worried about her banging her head, but she's actually pretty good and really, we can't cushion her entire world. She's had a war wound already, which left a bruise on her forehead for a week or so, but she's just learning and things are bound to happen. As she learns balance, it gets better and better. She doesn't even hurt herself daily anymore. Hahaha
This age is so much fun. She's just like a little sponge and soaks up everything. She loves to play patty cake and can now clap on her own. She pretty much chooses not to, but she can do it. We also play peek-a-boo and get a big smile like she's enjoying. It used to be a blank look, like "what the heck are you doing?" Rhonda likes to throw her in the air and swing her around and she loves it! We have a pretty, frilly, rough & tumble girl....perfect balance. Her favorite song is twinkle twinkle little star because she has a doll that sings it. So now when we sing it, she grins from ear to ear. We are teaching her face parts so when I ask her where mommies nose is, she grabs my nose. I don't know if it's coincidence but she picks my nose every time. I'm just gonna say she's smart. But we go through everything; eyes, ears, cheeks, mouth and we touch hers and mommies, hoping she makes the connection. We are battling dry cheeks so she gets Vaseline or lotion on them and loves, loves it. We tell her she's "pretty" while we put it on and she just smiles and is quite still. And she's almost over trying to eat it off our fingers. Haha
And this mommy is loving, loving the piggie tales. Just for fun one day, I decided to see if her hair was long enough and we haven't turned back since. It's either two piggies or one pony in the middle. And for being only 7 months, I think she does awesome when I put them in. We wet her hair down with a squirt bottle, then she opens her mouth so I can squirt water in, she giggles and then gets to play with the water bottle while I put her piggies in. Then we put bows in them (yes, I've made a stash of pretty bows in a rainbow of colors).
We knew Brielle was special before she was even born. She's an absolute magnet wherever we go. Not only do people seem to love her wherever we go, but it seems she also has a guardian angel that sticks very close to her. Over the past few weeks I have been noticing "orbs" in photos I take of her, like in the picture above that I took yesterday. You can see the big orb just above the laundry basket. 
In this photo above you can see the "orb" or what I like to call it, her "guardian angel" to the right of her head. I believe it's a sign that she is blessed with goodness, positive energy and protection from her angel. I LOVE finding them in her photos.
In this pic, it's a smaller orb, just above her bum. I know it's not a dirty lens because they don't show up in all pictures. It's pretty random. I'm not sure if guardian angels are relatives passed, who watch over us? Brielle does have lots of grandparents and great grandparents in heaven, who would be so proud of her, if they were here with us on earth. I'm pretty sure they're watching over her right now. What a lucky girl! How does it get any better than this?
See, I always knew our girl was special. And cute. And funny!!


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