How To Really Love Parenthood

 I stole this from a friend and thought it was worth sharing. The original says "How To Really Love Motherhood" but I thought, why just mothers? Fathers can also benefit from this with their children. Anyone can, really...step-parents, aunts, uncles, grandparents...anyone who has a child in their life that they love.
How To Really Love Parenthood
Remember to breathe deeply and often.
Name those feelings as they fly through your heart.
When your children are beastly and scream I HATE YOU (and they will) think of the warm sweetness of their tiny bodies when they were just new. THIS TOO SHALL PASS and far too quickly.
Let the dishes pile up and have a party instead.
Laugh A LOT.
Go puddle jumping & cloud busting.
Build forts & climb trees.
Spend rainy days in bed snuggling & sunny days outside adventuring.
Sing loudly and off key.
Dance like MANIACS!
Butterfly kisses and bear hugs cure broken hearts.
Tell them they can be ANYTHING.
Tell yourself too. Now believe it.
And don't forget to breathe.

Now go have a great day! I know I will. I'm going to spend it with my baby girl.


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