Another Photo Opportunity ~ 34 Weeks

Here's she beautiful wife carrying our beautiful daughter!
 We are finally at 34 weeks and also finally got around to doing another picture. I didn't realize it's been so long. Sorry! But none-the-less, here it is. And as you can easily tell, baby girl is growing. It's hard to imagine that by Friday, there are only 5 weeks left to go.

Rhonda is feeling well. No major issues with being 34 weeks pregnant. Once again, I will say how very lucky and blessed she is to be having such an amazing pregnancy and we are so grateful for this experience in our lives.

Tomorrow we'll go for another routine check-up. They are spanning every 2 weeks now, so that's another way we can tell that baby will be coming soon....I mean, despite the large belly bump. I must say, I'm going to miss seeing it...the belly bump. Plus, it's quite funny to see people's reaction to it when they don't see Rhonda very often or are seeing her pregnant for the first time. I mean, we all must admit this was something we'd never thought we'd see...Rhonda pregnant. It was a shocker for most people when we first made the announcement. Most everyone expected it to be me, so to think of Rhonda being pregnant was a new thought for most.

This collage is so much fun. I mean, to see how her bump has grown from beginning to now....I just love it!
I've decided to answer some questions that we've had people have been asking. First off, have we chosen a name. Yes! On our move from Texas (and our multiple trips we had made) we started 2 lists. I mean, what else do you do for days on end while stuck in a truck with 3 dogs, 2 cats and a parrot? You think of baby names. And let me just say that at that time we had already known we wanted to have a baby, but we didn't know how that was going to happen. But we're girls and girls do that sort of thing. We're also planners and planners do that sort of thing as well. Haha One list has girls names we love and one list has boys names we love. From there we ended up deciding our top three and then decided on a boy and girl name that would be for our first born. Once we found out we were having a girl, we knew what her name would be.

As for the middle name, we finally decided on one last week. Hooray! My name won!! Haha We've both had a favorite and although I was certain what I wanted....someone else (I won't mention was undecided. But now our baby girl has the most beautiful name ever! And while we have told our close family & friends, we are keeping it a secret from the rest of the world until her arrival. I can tell you that it starts with a B and her middle name has 4 letters. That's it. That's all the clues you get.

Another question is if I'm still trying to get pregnant and if I'll continue. The answer is no, I am not still trying and haven't been for a while. After many unsuccessful attempts, I decided that I needed a break and that I wanted to focus my thoughts and attention on the little one we already had coming. I by no means regret my decision. I know a lot of people were afraid to ask in case they would hurt my feelings, but I am okay and very open to talking about it. As for if I'll try again. I'm not 100% sure. In a way I feel like I would love to experience pregnancy but a big part of me feels like maybe that's not the path I should take. So for now I'm undecided and I do have time to figure things out for myself.

And lastly, we've had many people ask if we plan on having more than one. The answer is yes, we would love to. Partly it will depend on our donor and if he's willing to help us with that. If we have to take another route, it will complicate things a bit. But we'll deal with that when the time comes. But yes, we would love to have another and hopefully have the kids close together in age. We want them to be able to grow up to be very close friends and being close in age will help that.

With only 5-ish weeks left, there is only one major thing to accomplish and that's getting the babies room done. Okay, maybe 2 major things. Next weekend we have a prenatal class which is quite important before delivery. But I will also be working on babies room, which is very exciting. I can't wait to be able to post pics!!


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