Look How Beautiful!

Not that I want to brag or anything....okay, maybe I do....but I think Rhonda looks awesome! So beautiful. Pregnancy definitely looks really good on her. Yah, I for sure want to brag. :)

She went for a check-up this morning and had a bit more testing done to ensure that everything is going good. Not that she's been feeling horrible. Actually, since her last appointment, she's been feeling great! The next appointment is scheduled for the 31st where she'll have another ultrasound and they'll measure baby girl to ensure she's growing at a good rate. She was resting at the doctors office this morning so her heartrate was nice and calm at 134 beats per minute. This is the first time it has been out of its normal 144-148 range but this is nothing to be worried about at all. Most babies have a wide range.

So all is well. Mommy is feeling great and looking gorgeous! Baby girl is healthy, happy, active and growing! Life is great!


  1. So glad everything is going well with Rhonda and Baby Girl. Yes, I agree, your wife is beautiful and being pregnant suits her very well. :) Boy, it takes forever to have a baby. You must be so ready for Baby Girl to get here. Thank you for this wonderful blog.
    Love and hugs, Jamie



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