Held By The Hands Of Loved Ones

Rhonda & I were recently watching a show with a psychic medium. She had approached a lady and through conversation, she revealed that the ladies deceased father had held her son (his grandson) before he was born. I don't know if you believe in mediums or the after-life in any form, but this sudden feeling of amazement washed over me at the image of this beautiful encounter. Not once did the conversation refer to Heaven, that the father was in Heaven or that the baby was in Heaven. But wherever they were in crossing, they did get to meet each other.

This left me wondering if our baby girl will get to meet and be held by all of her great-grandparents before she is born? If you have any belief at all about our deceased loved ones watching over us, like I do, maybe you'll be just as comforted as I am at this thought? If you have children, maybe they too got to meet your loved ones who are deceased?

I don't know if this is true and really, the decision should be left up to each individual to believe if they so choose. I do. It brings tears to my eyes just thinking about it.

And one last exciting thing. Only 71 days until baby girl is due to arrive!!!


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