Baby Bullet

We got a few baby items for Christmas. I know most of the givers kind of felt bad about it, saying that these things weren't for us. But, my personal thoughts are this. 1. We don't need anything. 2. The baby "is us" so these things are for us. We are the baby. The baby is us. Baby items are equally as much for us as they are for the baby. So please, don't feel bad.

Earlier I mentioned that we got a gift certificate for Craving to put towards the stroller we want. Well, good news is that we got some Christmas money that we are also going to put towards the stroller. It's actually enough to cover the rest, after the gift certificate.

I also bought Rhonda a Snoogle. It's supposed to make sleeping better while pregnant, but I think she's going to enjoy it even after.

Rhonda's brother & sis-in-law, Christopher & Mindy, bought us an awesome JJ Cole diaper bag. Funny thing, my brother & sis-in-law, Chris & Nicole, have the exact same one.

Christopher & Mindy also bought us a Baby Bullet. I LOVE the infomercial for these and have wanted one long before we ever got pregnant. I know, I'm crazy that way. For those who don't know about the Baby Bullet, click on this link to watch the video on their website. It's awesome.
Thanks to everyone who included baby in our Christmas. We didn't mind one bit!!


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