Dear Crystal,
Spirit has guided me to reach more people with the love and truth that we carry on after our physical body dies.
Spirit chooses when they give the message and to whom.
I ask that you honour my energy and time, and do not request a connection ask for more then what Spirit gives on this newsletter. However if you want to book a 1-1 medium session with me by phone or in person, you can email me.
Many blessings,
Glenyce Hughes
Do I believe in God? The Universe? Guardian Angels? Absolutely. Why? Because I'm here today, writing this. If you sat down with and talked with me for even an hour about my childhood and what I've lived through, you'd quickly understand that I did not make it to this moment without some help.
Do I believe that there are people gifted enough to connect with people after they have crossed over? Absolutely. Why? Because in some ways, I believe that I have a bit of sense and connection myself. Even as a child, I knew I wasn't alone yet I couldn't explain what I was able to feel. It's nothing mind blowing and nothing that is easy to explain. It's just something that's always been a part of my me.
My Uncle Brian died the year I turned 30 and I've felt an extremely strong connection to him. I feel him in my home and I think about him all of the time. Almost on a daily basis because I sense that he is with me. I've come to believe that he is one of my guardian angels.
For the past couple of years, I feel my Grandma Dyck as well and I've questioned if maybe she too is someone who watches over me? My brother & I spent a lot of time at Grandma's house after our parents divorced. My dad lived with her for a while so our visits with dad meant we had visits with Grandma. She was such a kind person and I have nothing but amazing memories of her. Since coming out and having struggles with a certain family member about my being gay, one of my Aunts (who is reading this) has said to me numerous times "you know how Grandma would feel about you, don't you?" And I always respond with, yes. She would 100% support me because that's the person she was. Is. If my Grandma Dyck were here today, she would give me a big hug and tell me that she loves me. And she would love my wife and our daughter.
So this morning when I opened my newsletter and scanned to the messages, I immediately found my initials and burst into tears as I read the message from my Grandma. 

Messages from a Medium
1. To P.W. from Dad - you are my sunshine, you always have been my sunshine. Please don't listen to them. Your heart knows what is true. I love you.
2. To D.S. from T.S. - I am so sorry. Please know I never meant to hurt you. Ever.
3. To C.L. from Grandma - you are so beautiful. I love you. You are an amazing Mom. Please stop telling yourself otherwise. I hear what you say to yourself. I am right here, beside you, every step of the way.
4. If you met the most amazing, beautiful, phenomenal, gifted, talented person in the world but they didn't wish to know it, what would you say to them to get them to see themselves the way you see them?
Now can you go repeat that in a mirror please?
Always seeing your awesomeness, The Universe
Thank you for blessing this forward to anyone who may be interested.
2. To D.S. from T.S. - I am so sorry. Please know I never meant to hurt you. Ever.
3. To C.L. from Grandma - you are so beautiful. I love you. You are an amazing Mom. Please stop telling yourself otherwise. I hear what you say to yourself. I am right here, beside you, every step of the way.
4. If you met the most amazing, beautiful, phenomenal, gifted, talented person in the world but they didn't wish to know it, what would you say to them to get them to see themselves the way you see them?
Now can you go repeat that in a mirror please?
Always seeing your awesomeness, The Universe
Thank you for blessing this forward to anyone who may be interested.
Gratitude for you,
Does everyone say this to themselves? I don't know? I've been too embarrassed to even tell anyone that I feel I'm not a good mom. So this message was exactly what I needed to hear. We have an amazing daughter and yet I feel that I have very little to do with that, even though I'm with her 24/7. Maybe I do need to take more credit for who she is and who she is becoming. I'm so proud of her and maybe it's time I start being proud of me. Maybe this was my wake-up call? My Grandma's way of giving me a swift kick in the right direction?
Thank you Grandma, from the bottom of my heart. I will take your advise and believe. I've worked so hard on seeing my personal beauty (since weight loss) that now it's time to focus on seeing that I am a good mom. That perfection isn't possible but being the best mom I can be, is.
If anyone knows about being a good mom, my Grandma did. She raised an amazing family who shares more love than any other family I know. And I'm happy to be a part of that.
I'd like to take a moment to thank my friend Glenyce for what she does. Her messages are amazing and I know they are life changing for everyone she shares with. If you would like to sign up for the Messages From A Medium newsletter, visit her website here. The newsletter sign-up is in a purple box on the sidebar. You can't miss it. Maybe you too will receive a message from a loved one!!
What an amazing post Crystal! The entire thing, not just your amazing message, brought tears to my eyes. I think it's exactly what I needed to give me a swift kick in the right direction too. You're right perfection is impossible; who get's to decide what's perfect anyways?! All we should strive to be is the best "us" we can be. Much love from one imperfect Mom to another.