Coconut Oil Pulling

Say what?

I know many of you are wondering what oil pulling is? I hadn't heard of oil pulling until earlier this year and although I was curious, I was very skeptical. I did my first oil pulling less than 2 weeks ago and have done it almost every day since. I had noticeable results within 3 days and I really wished I had taken photos to prove that my teeth had already started to become whiter and brighter.

So what is oil pulling? Oil pulling, also known as "kavala" or "gundusha," is an ancient Ayurvedic dental technique that involves swishing a tablespoon of oil in your mouth on an empty stomach for around 20 minutes. This action supposedly draws out toxins in your body, primarily to improve oral health but also to improve your overall health.

What you'll need to do: First, pick an oil. Most people use coconut oil as it also has strong antibacterial properties, but you can use any other vegetable-based oil. Then, take a tablespoon of oil and swish it around your mouth for 5-20 minutes. There is no need to be aggressive with the swishing. You'll be swishing for up to 20 minutes so you don't want to get a stiff jaw. Also be sure to use the right amount for your mouth. The recommended dosage is 1 tablespoon but I find 1 teaspoon works better for me since the amount doubles in size as it draws in saliva and toxins. Be sure not to swallow as you will be taking these toxins into your body if you do.
Once the 20 minutes are up, spit the oil out into the trash or toilet (not your sink, where the oil may solidify and block up the drain) and swish your mouth with warm water. Some people use salt water. Finally, brush and floss as you normally would.
Here's the complete how-to:

I have been doing my oil pulling first thing in the morning, when I first wake up. I have a small container in my bathroom and the first thing I do is put the oil in my mouth and go on with getting ready for my day. I shower, get dressed and often times do my hair and make-up while swishing, before I spit it out and brush my teeth. It makes the time go by quickly and my stomach is empty.
The supposed benefits of oil pulling are great and I figure, why not give it a good try. As I've already said, my teeth are whiter and that alone is worth my time. My lips are also very soft which will be greatly appreciated once the harsh, dry, Canadian winter hits.

Do you do oil pulling? If not, would you give it a go?


  1. Nice information on coconut oil pulling.

  2. I have seen a lot of great benefits of using this kind of treatment, and most people use coconut oil as it also has strong antibacterial properties that would maintain the healthy oral condition.

  3. Coconut oil pulling is scientifically proven to provide various health benefits.



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