Countdown To Houston

Today we decided to make a Countdown to Houston calendar since it's getting closer and we're excited.....and we love crafts. I made the calendar part, Brielle did some finger painting and when it was dry, I cut out some shapes to glue to the calendar. All of our writing is scrapbook stickers which made it super easy. We wanted a fun, whimsical look and I think we achieved that. We both enjoyed making it.
We fly out of Saskatoon on October 9, in the afternoon. For this trip, we'll be taking my Aunt Wilma. She's never been to Houston so it'll be fun to show her all of our favorite places, where we lived and introduce her to our friends. We'll be spending time in Houston, have a condo booked during the week days in Galveston where the hope is to spend a bunch of time at the beach, and we'll also be making an overnight trip to San Antonio where we'll be staying on the Riverwalk. We haven't completely decided what attractions we'll take in, but I have a feeling it's going to be a FUN trip!!

37 days and counting.....


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